hoi4 strategic bombers worth it

urban environments, across rivers, forts, etc. in the air region without regard to the number of air wings present. +1 I agree with everything you said. Note that in the same way as naval bombers are better at killing ships than tactical bombers fighters are better at killing fighters than heavy fighters; the difference is primarily range. The situation is quite different if naval strikes are combined with an attack by warships (including submarines). Typically, the ratio of attacking planes to fleet frontage is 1:1. Deals damage to enemy divisions on the ground. the night *cas* bombing modifier is -90%. You are using an out of date browser. Heavy fighter: These typically have more range and damage than fighters. However I don't know how exactly strategic bombing works, and the wiki doesn't help much. I always thought that strat bombers were kinda bad cause tactical bombers could do their role for cheaper "price" and 1 less research slot, but now with BBA, maybe it kinda makes no sense to use tactical bombers for strategic bombing? Press J to jump to the feed. Medium tanks have good armor and low cost. Note: Strategic Bombers are only effective in large numbers (more than 1000), otherwise self-repair out-repairs your damage output. Strategic bombers are very expensive to construct and in many cases a significant number are required to have any meaningful impact. Very cost-effective way of killing the enemy navy. Strategic bombers seem useless if you've never been heavily bombed. Or if you just love roleplaying with night bombings then yes!!! Each plane can give up to 0.2 supplies, meaning a full wing of 100 can give 20 supply. from air doctrines) only for that mission type get applied to the wing for that mission. The rate of mine clearing depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. the left side's bonuses, if they worked fully, would also obviously be even more impactful if you happened to have two of your sorties run at night - not all that uncommon. What does it affect ? Naval bomber/Patrol: Bomb and kill enemy ships (much more cost-effective than building your own ships!). For example, if a NAV1 hits a heavy cruiser 1, the NAV1 will do 1.5 points of damage. The excess intel only serves as a buffer if the player stops performing any air reconnaissance. These variants are able to launch from and land on aircraft carriers. Example: A battle takes place in a forest province (-10% enemy air superiority). 1 Anti-air decreases damage from CAS by 75%, so Anti-air is quite strong. How do you manage the wings of them, I feel ive had the best luck with stacks of 50 as there is no real feedback except that crappy line graph I have no real idea what im doing with wing size. If there are none, then reinforcement will take place when new planes of the correct equipment type are produced by military production lines. The attacks are resolved as between land units, but they ignore defense, hardness and armor. The reinforcement level of an air wing represents the amount of planes an air wing has at full strength. . HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods - Store - Twitch; Tools. They're generally pretty useless. Your divisions are running out of rifles and the front lines are collapsing, but you can't build any more rifles because your surviving factories are desperately trying to get planes in the air. The enemy frontage (width of non-reserve divisions) is 20 which allows 3x20*(1-0.1) = 54 planes on CAS mission to join this battle. Various countries have focuses that grant research bonuses for e.g. Transport plane: Deploys paratroopers and drops supplies. Has to be performed in the land area on which the port lies. Deploying more planes can offset reduced mission efficiency to an extent, but basing planes closer to the center of the strategic region or using planes with longer range may be more efficient. I am struggling to find a reason to get purely strategic bombers when a tac bomber can do the same job plus do ground. Bombs enemy ships. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. In the table below, determine the mission that will be flown by a wing with multiple missions selected by reading the missions from the first line downwards, stopping at the first mission where the condition is true. In aircraft-dense areas where the frontline airbases might be congested, they, like Heavy Fighters, can act as "second row" aircraft adding even more air power to the frontline regions from airbases behind. Up to -30% movement speed to enemy divisions. It costs 5 army xp to add or remove a batallion, and 10 army xp for a support company. If one of the assigned missions has a condition that's "Always executes", no later mission in the list will ever be executed by that wing. Example below: As the UK player, there is 60% intel about Italy's air force. Railway guns decrease enemy attack, defense and entrenchment. Enabling pilot exercises will disable all other missions. the night penalty isn't -50%, as you guessed, but -90%. Is it worth building strategic bombers? All rights reserved. For example, with 60% air superiority the enemy will suffer a 7% penalty to . . Some of them I'm sure they get from America but in the last patch they tweaked the AI so that it builds more fighters. 1. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W_h_CVZMOw, Defines NAir LAND_AIR_COMBAT_MAX_PLANES_PER_ENEMY_WIDTH = 3, Defines NMilitary AIR_SUPPORT_BASE = 0.25, Defines NMilitary LAND_AIR_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.04, Defines NMilitary LAND_AIR_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.04, Defines NMilitary LAND_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.053, Defines NMilitary LAND_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.05, Defines NAir ANTI_AIR_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 0.75, Defines NAir ANTI_AIR_ATTACK_TO_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 1.0, Defines NMilitary ANTI_AIR_TARGETTING_TO_CHANCE = 0.07, Defines NMilitary ANTI_AIR_ATTACK_TO_AMOUNT = 0.005, Defines NAir HOURS_DELAY_AFTER_EACH_COMBAT = 4 (double because of roundtrip), Defines NAir CLOSE_AIR_SUPPORT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE = 0.0005, A forum discussion on the effectiveness of naval bombers against convoys, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Air_missions&oldid=60437, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Play Through Corpo di Truppe Volontarie focus. Can we apply the medium tank templates to light tanks?If we can,how much will they be effective? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Available for: Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Jet Fighter, Rocket Interceptor. While either the strategic air or navy map mode is selected, hovering the cursor over a region containing mines will show the number of mines that have been laid, along with the number of enemy ships damaged or sunk by the mines. Yeah. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Given enough air support, even basic infantry can push through enemy lines. Strategic bombers can be fought in the air by fighters. It might even be worthwhile if the player captures a state without an air base to build their own level 1 base there as quickly as possible. With 48 CAS present, the bonus would be +22.2%. you can target certain structures with your strategic bombers. Ok so I keeep having this discussion with my friend about the value of strategic bombing and he keeps pointing out in our example that he has a 90% reduction from strategic bombing. The rate of minelaying depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. Strat bombers aren't as overpowered as they were from before 1.5.1 but they're still highly annoying and hugely powerful when microed. There is also a Reorganize option that allows greater control over moving planes between two or more wings of the same type. In a Naval zone, the Scout planes will contribute towards air superiority in the zone which increases detection in the Naval zone. Tacs are useful if you don't have the industry for specialised aircraft and need some sort of air support. All you have to do is click on the province that you want to attack, and then the nuke icon at the bottom of its window. Wings of 500 bomb the shit out of any zone. Are strategic bombers worth building? You underestimate AI Tibet's power. Should I consider building up a smaller weapons stockpile in exchange for building some planes to get air superiority and bomb Britain? open.spotify. r/hoi4. When it does, it can shoot down a fraction of attacking planes up to 0.5%[11] (air attack). For modules, try to get more defense, without compromising range too much. Intel advantage + air superiority can go from 25% to 40% bonus. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Dropping a nuke is done from the Default Map view. How should you build your strat bombers.I'm going to stream tonight (day of release) a strat bom. Through Officers of the Service Role focus. @Fortebrako Since heavy fighters have already low agility, I'd stack them full of Heavy MGs. Wings can be split or multiple wings of the same type merged into one in the air base view. An ace can generate on a wing if it does not already have an alive ace, under two circumstances: In the first case, ace generation is only considered in 1%[10] of cases. Command points are automatically used for these missions and and costs permanent 0.3 command power while mission is active. I think they changed it to local time a few patches ago so there'll be exactly one night sortie per day except maybe in polar winter? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's a harrowing death spiral. The Air technology research tree is used to unlock and improve different types of aircraft. common/modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt night = { air_bombing_targetting = -0.5 } should mean aircraft don't hit the target. Strategic bombing. @Comander-07 Support Artillery is indeed more efficient for smaller divisions, but engineers are worse for small divisions. Strategic Bombers attack enemy buildings and infrastructure, starving them of precious industry. Attacking an enemy province in bad weather or bad terrain. Its a simple game, CAS is better but TAC has more range which you hardly ever need thus CAS it is then usually. Each building level (maximum level 5 per state) removes 5[4] air power from the opposing side. It is not just a problem of strategic bombers as a whole but there are also no specific missions for tactical air, which is a lot more accurate. When attacking ships, the probability is [13]. Through research, the engineering team will also increase the general attack and defense of the division, particularly in rough terrain, i.e. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night . You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Besides them being required for nukes, they're okay in masses, especially in the late game. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. That is, the battleship will lose 1.5 hit points out of its total of 150 hit points. yep, planes sortie at 0:00, 8:00 and 16:00, but if you set to day only (as you generally should) then they'll stay grounded for any of those times which occur while the airbase is in nighttime. Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). Also, is producing lots of naval bombers and putting them on naval strike . It is possible to change the size of an existing air wing by clicking on an air base, then clicking on the top number on the left-hand side of the air wing's row. You need a strategic bomber station within range of the target province . Tactical bomber: Can be outfitted for any role, but is best used as CAS. 1936 fighters and 1940 fighters) may be mixed in the same air wing. The 'Industry Liasons' Spirit and the 'Light aircraft designer' should be used for increased research speed and agility bonuses! Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bomber. The priority rating is excess air wing range (in map pixels) plus number of total division on both sides of the battle. Calculations on Infantry to Artillery ratio, General notes on infantry division designs, For many more beginner tips, I strongly recommend the. This is a community maintained wiki. Attrition losses are also relatively larger for small divisions, and they are quite impractical to use, requiring lots of them. They can perform Port Strike and Naval Strike air missions. Eventually, this will cause enemy units to have insufficient supply and suffer from attrition. Try to capture an enemy air base as quickly as possible, so that the player can redeploy some fighters and CAS there. Are tactical bombers worth it hoi4? The biggest drawback of strategics are that conquered land takes ages to rebuild. See, PDXCON Choose tactical bombers to carry out close air support missions, instead of CAS, and use heavy fighters because of their longer range. Each type of aircraft built upon light airframes also has a carrier variant that can be researched. Every plane that joins a battle produces 0.0005[13] country air experience. These planes will continue removing mines from their assigned strategic region until the region is fully clear of mines. I don't think the night time penalty for strat bombing works either: I have a tendency to only do day missions, because if I remember it correctly, planes do a number of set sorties every 24 hours (3? Trains your pilots, increasing the stats of the planes in the air wing, at the cost of some accident losses and fuel usage. Breakthrough only needs to be as high as enemy soft attack (per combat width). Tactical bombers have more versatility and can be just as deadly as Strat bombers to infrastructure provided you have enough of them. Anti-air capabilities are averaged across all divisions including the reserve. They are good both for protecting bombers at range and intercepting enemy bombers. Part of a dual series on strategic bombers, we are trying to go all in on Strats in Hearts of Iron 4, playing as the United Kingdom. Flame tanks, support equipment, anti-air, anti-tank and tank destroyers are vulnerable to attrition due to their low quantities in divisions, so put extra factories on them to prevent shortages. As mines are laid, some mines will graphically become visible on the map. Since intel is are not that good, don't bother building them. The effects are scaled inversely by the size of the wing relative to 100 planes, to a maximum of 10x at 10 planes. I agree about that. I thought that stat-wise regular fighters were superior, not the least because of the higher production numbers. I don't actually think there is a real defence against them, given that any player that seriously uses them will throw 20k+ at you at once - enough to destroy every building in the entire continental USA in a week or so. Given that air warfare is the only type that directly affects all three types of combat (on top of the strategic targeting), the air war is something the player must take into account when devising successful strategies. i thing having larger, more homogenous datasets to allow for the variance to balance out, so we can more clearly see the expectation would be helpful. Yet another pureblood gamer rejecting the existence of a game feature and classifying it as "useless" on pure gameplay grounds.

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hoi4 strategic bombers worth it