which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate

c. going public Background. C. more than the legislative branch, but less than the executive branch. Which of the following statements about presidential power is accurate The president has enough resources for coordinating national responses during emergencies, but insufficient authority to usurp the Constitution President Grover Cleveland noted which of the following about presidential appointments "I make one integrate and ten enemies." Congress specifically delegated this authority to the office after the Civil War. It is long on generalities and short on details but embodies limits on presidential discretion. It affirmed the power of executive privilege, but with limits. a. must be credible, explicit, and public to be effective. Which of the following statements regarding party as a source of power for the president are accurate, and which are inaccurate? \text { Purchase 2, Mar. Eroded the President's capacity to enlist television to go public. B. Anthony Kennedy C. conflated court d. the state of the economy. c. The worst fears of the Framers were realized because presidents take advantage of their ability to declare to protect their power. Examining the President's role as commander in chief reveals which of the following? Executive orders have been used to change federal policies on hiring minorities. b. D. the government It has lost much of its luster as offices with real political clout. Executive orders are exceptional devices used only in times of national emergency. The term symbolic representation refers to which of the following in the selection of federal judges? E. brief. The president must notify Congress about any planned campaign. E. the Senate and the president, Senatorial courtesy, used today in the selection of ________, gives a senator the right to veto an appointment to when the senator and nominee are from the same home state. a. Roosevelt persuaded Congress to create many relief agencies outside of the bureaucracy so this increased management responsibilities for the President. a. Why is it that, even after his administration, the balance of power durably shifted away from Congress and toward the president? c. an effective counterweight to the expertise Congress possesses on most matters of public policy. A. state high courts judges d. It allows presidents a clear, self-enforcing means of asserting their preferences. Presidents have rarely used the veto and prefer to negotiate with Congress. D. 7 D. medical malpractice Presidents have a particularly difficult time working with an opposition-controlled Congress. 33. C. certiorari. 24. Select all that apply. a. was eagerly accepted by a Democratic Congress that wanted to ensure that President Roosevelt would have all the help he needed to enact the New Deal. C. 56 B. four United States Reports. This Executive Order builds on the actions his Administration has already taken. Usually, Executive orders are made to create committees that are responsible to handle a certain government program. E. the U.S. Attorney's Office in each state, For the Supreme Court to hear a case, how many of the nine justices must want to hear it? 41. Which of the following statements about the evolution of the presidential tactic of "going public" is accurate? Which of the following statements about writs of certiorari is accurate? Accurate \end{array} which of the following statements about executive orders is accuratemarc d'amelio house address. The Constitution gives presidents a modest role in the legislative arena includingwhich of the following? Presidents often commit troops and engage hostilities and then go to Congress for authority to continue. Today, appearing on prime time television is the most dramatic way of going public C. the Senate and the Supreme Court Roosevelt successfully led Congress to support his initiatives but struggled with the supreme court. From the time of Franklin Roosevelt onward, generally speaking, which of thefollowing is true about presidential travel? Franklin Delano Roosevelt is widely recognized as a uniquely powerful president. b. appoint, remove, and supervise all executive officers, and appoint all federal judges (with Senate approval) 20. d. It enables the President to assemble a coherent budget that funds national prioritiesinstead of politically motivated projects. B. d. a presidential branch of the government separate and apart from the executive branch that attempts to coordinate the executive and legislative branches in its own behalf. In 1937, the President's Committee on Administrative Management, also known as the Brownlow Committee, concluded its detailed analysis of the state of the presidency with which of the following? - Reelection of the president is often a major goal of EOP staff. b. Or the inability of Congress to administer the programs it creates E. common law. 9. Each president has spent more days on foreign political travel and fewer days ondomestic political travel. He delivered a minor address almost every other week. require two-thirds vote of approval by the Senate, is composed of the heads of all major federal government departments, performs defined management tasks for the president. They can only advocate general issues or positions, and cannot attack an individual candidate. B. any concerned citizen correct Prior to the 1830s, presidential candidates received their party's nomination from ______. an order to give federal employees the day off on June 19 E. Fred M. Vinson, According to judicial scholar Thomas Keck, the MOST judicially active Supreme Court was the _______ Court. Which scenario offers the best chance for the public appeal on the policy to be successful? A. the House Providing Congress the power to declare war has limited the role of the President in foreign affairs. E. Executive orders are not subject to judicial review. NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC/Gray News) - Authorities in South Carolina say a youth pastor is facing more than a dozen assault charges for inappropriately touching young girls.According to North . incurrate It was struck down by the Supreme Court as violating the Constitution's separation of powers doctrine, declarations presidents sometimes ussue when approving a bill that they will not enforce or implement certain provisions of a bill, must be credible, explicit, and public to be effective, What is the name of the strategy presidents use to promote their policies by engaging in intensive public relations to indce cooperation from other elected officeholders. Opposition-controlled congresses write longer laws on average because they b. He delivered a minor address almost every other day. It diminished the power of the president. How did you calculate the value of the ending inventory? If a computer game costs $30 in the United States and 26 in the United Kingdom, what is the real computer game exchange rate? B. a. try to anticipate efforts by an unsympathetic administration to suborn or redirect policy. b. is larger and more complex because of the expanded responsibilities of presidents and the centralization of tasks that used to be performed in agencies and departments. Most presidents since Franklin Delano Roosevelt have "gone public" only reluctantly, preferring to rely instead on polished press secretaries. a. declaring a state of national emergency. Correct Answer(s) 22. E. All of these answers are correct. a. Millard Fillmore Look up the current dollarpound exchange rate in a newspaper or an online source, and compare the two prices. A. Correct Answer(s) an order to raise the minimum wage for all workers E. Burger, Which of the following best describes the ideological distribution of the Supreme Court today? d. home style. b. are often communicated privately to Congress so that both sides can find room for compromise. - Most EOP positions experience high turnover. B. the Supreme Court How many court systems is the average American subject to? Which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate | Answer:C. Explanation:An executive order can be defined as orders issued by the President of the United States. c. rarely produces the outcome Congress intends since the President leads a separate branch of government largely insulated from congressional control. A. a. complete control over the agenda and the ability to control the spending levels of government. CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. ("Peyto" or the "Company") is pleased to present the results and in-depth analysi Whether a president succeeds in converting the clerkship of the office into real leadership has less to do with the authority of the modern office than with which of the following? A. local How does Article II define executive power? \text { Purchase 1, Feb. 15 } & 6 & 72 & \\ The order was created to inform an international strategy. A. Anthony Kennedy FIFO method. c. the Trilateral Commission b. The president's pardoning power is an ______ power that gives him power over the _______ branch. Scope of the Position: The Regional Sales Professional for Grid Control will establish the sales initiatives to grow the EMS/ADMS/MGMS/Market business with new client acquisitions and existing client wallet expansion for smart grid operational solutions sold to utilities, large industrial and public sector clients as specified in their . Executive orders are a type of presidential lawmaking. A. federal bureaucrats incorrect answers The principle of stare decisis, a Latin phrase that means "let the decision stand," is the basis of the modern legal concept of d. the explanation the President provides when exercising his ability to strike out objectionable parts of bills that he signs into law. In Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents, Richard Neustadt argues in partthat despite sharp expansion of statutory authority and the dramatic growth in the institutional resources, which of the following is true? c. rarely produces the outcome Congress intends since the President leads a separate branch of government largely insulated from congressional control. d. was taken primarily for the purpose of garnering favorable publicity, d. was taken primarily for the purpose of garnering favorable publicity. Congress later passes a resolution approving the president's actions. Which of the following is true about the lawmaking powers that Congress shares with the President? Which president is credited with changing the way signing statements were used? d. so presidents frequently try to appear on reality television shows. c. Cooperation with the opposition party is the norm as those partisans hope some of the President's popularity rubs off on them. At least in part because of cable telecision, from 1965 to 2015 the percentage of households that watch the State of the Union address has done which of the following? C. the Supreme Court Lowes Companies Inc., a major competitor of The Home Depot in the home improvement business, operates over 1,700 stores. c. A declaration of war must be submitted to the states for approval. a vote to override supported by two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress, If the president takes no action on a bill and Congress remains in session, the bill ________ 10 days. What is key to creating an energetic presidency? The focus was during presidential election years as presidents pulled the party train but receded into the background during midterm election years, represents a cumulative product of the changing place of Washington in national and international affairs. a. the veto and the ability to call Congress into special session Super PACs A. Warren a. allow the President the absolute authority to block congressional actions and completely dominate the national agenda. agency official verifies that record copies on alternate media and copies reproduced from the record copy are accurate, . Which of the following is true about the line item veto? Eroded the Presiden'ts capacity to enlist television to go public. Select the best answer. Whether a president succeeds in converting the clerkship of the office into real leadership has less to do with the authority of the modern office than with which of the following? B. a. It weakened Congress's ability to check the president. Question options: The order was issued by President Carter. 7 b. is larger and more complex because of the expanded responsibilities of presidents and the centralization of tasks that used to be performed in agencies and departments. Cabinet appointees _____ require Senate approval, although they are ultimately responsible to the ______. a. d. is effective only on foreign policy issues where the public tends not to have well-formed attitudes. d. Heterogeneous products and services The institutionalized presidency describes E. a case in which a U.S. citizen and a foreign government are parties. The view that judicial decision making is guided by the ideology of individual judges is known as the answer choices Cases appealed by the solicitor general are automatically granted certiorari. B. correct Criminal trials always have juries, whereas juries are optional in civil trials. General Provisions. E. constitutions. Presidents are forced to work harder in their negotiations with Congress. b. represent a carefully tailored authority to check legislative abuses while denying the executive unilateral authority. C. federal b. D. oral arguments and closed conference incorrect 6 c. sets the spending priorities of the government and represents an opening bid in negotiations. d. It was passed by the House but defeated by a filibuster in the Senate. A. Earl Warren a. depends on the public's appraisal of him as president, and appeals from unpopular presidents are likely to be ignored. c. declarations presidents sometimes issue when approving a bill that they will not enforce or implement certain provisions of a bill. which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate June 14, 2022 June 14, 2022 The President's budget c. It prevents agency officials from casually expropriating the President's endorsement for their legislative initiatives. 14. This document is signed, published and written decree ordered by the President. Which factor influences senators as they appoint federal judges? A request to the Supreme Court that it review a case that was already decided is made via a(n) c. They have too little authority to satisfy the expectations for their performance. The common law is based on which of the following? Eins accounting records provide the following data for the remainder of 2019 for one of the items the company sells: ActivityUnitsPurchasePrice(perunit)SalePrice(perunit)Beginninginventory9$58Purchase1,Feb.15672Purchase2,Mar. E. the president, Which of the following issues articles of impeachment for federal judges? C. constitutional law. E. concurring opinion. c. the Constitution declares it. Several sources provide the constitutional or legal justification for presidential directives. can be overturned by executive action alone D. stare decisis. d. Roosevelt's management skills were so poor that the existing bureaucracy no longer wanted to oversee federal programs. C. code law. a. an order to seize a telecommunications company. Power is shared by delegating to the executive branch the discretion to implement policy, rarely produces the outcome Congress intends since the President leads a separate branch of government largely unsulated from congressional control, sets the spending priorities of the government and represents an opening bid in negotiations, The institutionalized presidency describes, the set of offices and staff created to assist the President, Franklin Roosevelet required all department communications to Congress that could affect future budgets be cleared through the Bureau of the Budget, the predessor to. Which of the following government officials are regularly part of the National Security Council (NSC)? ignored the fact that the Constitution withhols the kind of authority from the President that CEOs typically enjoy, and Congress initially rebuffed the proposal and only relented to a scaled-down proposal, The two critical elements of the Executive office of the president are the, Office of Management and Budget and the White House Office, It was fitting that a separate presidential staff would arise during Roosevelts' presidency because, Roosevelt persuaded Congress to create many relief agencies outside of the bureaucracy so this increased management responsibilities for the President, It is possible to view the institutional presidency as, a presidential branch of the government separate and apart from the executive branch that attempts to coordinate the executive and legislative branches in its own behalf, is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers, is larger and more complex because of the expanded responsibilites of presidents and the centralization of tasks that used to be performed in agencies and departments. Even with the chief of staff system modern presidents use, every recent president has experienced seriuos staffing problems that have erupted into public controversy, if not scandal. B. special courts Executive orders have been used to change federal policies on hiring minorities. \text { Sale 2, July 10 } & 15 & & 150 \\ As a result, open access institutions placed in limited access orders face limited success and are often coopted by the powerful elite for self-enrichment. C. John Roberts and Samuel Alito The power to declare war is not explicitly in the Constitution. B. dissenting B. writ of certiorari. B. Thurgood Marshall When Congress passes legislation that grants delegated powers to the president, the legislation is likely to be ______ in scope and ______ on the means of implementation. \text { Purchase Price } \\ 54. C. executive orders How does divided government affect the normal state of affairs in Washington? b. D. Rehnquist The White House Office C. "friend of the court" briefs and oral arguments They start with their party allies, but while shared electoral fates provide incentives for cooperation, they will not bow to the President's wishes. B. the Senate \text { Activity } & \text { Units } & \begin{array}{c} If, however, the congressional session ends within 10 days of Congress presenting the president with the bill, it receives a ______ veto. While in the nineteenth century every president was "strong," today some presidents are "weak" while others are "strong.".

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which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate

which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate